Warp Nearest#

The Warp Nearest function performs a geometric warp of an image by resampling the data with a recomputed coordinate system. The resampling utilizes nearest neighbor interpolation. The function provides access to both perspective and strictly affine transformations.


The function performs either a perspective or affine transform with nearest neighbor resampling. The perspective coordinate transform from \((x, y)\) to \((x', y')\) is defined as:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{c} x' = \frac{c_{00} \cdot x + c_{01} \cdot y + c_{02}}{c_{20} \cdot x + c_{21} \cdot y + c_{22}} \\ y' = \frac{c_{10} \cdot x + c_{11} \cdot y + c_{12}}{c_{20} \cdot x + c_{21} \cdot y + c_{22}} \end{array}\end{split}\]

In the case of an affine transformation, the function assumes that \(c_{20} = 0, c_{21} = 0\), and \(c_{22} = 1\) so the formulas is simplified to:

\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{c} x' = c_{00} \cdot x + c_{01} \cdot y + c_{02} \\ y' = c_{10} \cdot x + c_{11} \cdot y + c_{12} \end{array}\end{split}\]


  • \(x', y'\) are the pixel coordinates in the transformed image

  • \(x, y\) are the pixel coordinates of the input image

  • \(c_{ij}\) are the transform coefficients passed to the coeffs array during initialization

The function supports edge smoothing (see Edge Smoothing).

Specify a transformation to warp nearest with the warp_nearest_spec class; constructors build arguments that strictly define perspective or affine transforms. The constructors derive transforms from source and destination quadrilaterals/triangles or may accept coefficients directly.




template<typename ComputeT = float, typename SrcImageT, typename DstImageT>
sycl::event oneapi::ipl::warp_nearest(sycl::queue &queue, SrcImageT &src, DstImageT &dst, const warp_nearest_spec<ComputeT> &spec = {}, const typename SrcImageT::pixel_t &border_val = {}, const std::vector<sycl::event> &dependencies = {})#

Warp Nearest.

Template Parameters:
  • ComputeT – type to perform calculations

  • SrcImageT – Source image type

  • DstImageT – Destination image type

  • queue[in] SYCL queue

  • src[in] source image

  • dst[out] destination image

  • spec[in] algorithmic specification

  • border_val[in] border value

  • dependencies[in] other events dependencies


SYCL event, that represents a status of an operation it associated with

Supported values for ComputeT:




Supported combinations for DataT/Layouts:














Supported values for subsampled layout (only for DataT = std::uint8_t):





Warp Perspective direction. Possible values are:

forward - Forward Warp Perspective.

backward - Backward Warp Perspective.

infinite ROI

Infinite ROI option. Possible values are:

true - Pixels that are outside the source image boundaries are set according to the specified border type.

false - Operations take place only inside the source image.

edge smoothing

Type of edge smoothing. Possible values are:

on - Edge smoothing is applied. Supported only for transp border type.

off - Edge smoothing is not applied.

border type support

Type of border. Possible values are:

const_val - Values of all border pixels are set to constant.

repl - Border is replicated from the edge pixels.

transp - Pixels that require outer source pixels for calculations are not processed.

template<typename ComputeT>
class warp_nearest_spec#

Warp Nearest Specification.

Template Parameters:

ComputeT – the type for computations

Public Functions

explicit warp_nearest_spec(const roi_rect &src_roi, const std::array<sycl::id<2>, 4> &dst_quad, directions direction = directions::forward, bool infinite_src_roi = false, smooth_types smooth_edge = smooth_types::off, border_types border = border_types::repl, crop_types crop = crop_types::on)#

Perspective Transform constructor.

  • src_roi – The source region of interest (ROI)

  • dst_quad – The destination quadrangle

  • direction – The direction of the transformation, defaults to forward

  • infinite_src_roi – Whether the source region is infinite, defaults to false

  • smooth_edge – The type of smooth edge to use, defaults to smooth_types::off

  • border – The border type to use, defaults to border_types::repl

  • crop – The crop flag, defaults to crop_types::on

explicit warp_nearest_spec(const roi_rect &src_roi, const std::array<sycl::id<2>, 3> &dst_tri, directions direction = directions::forward, bool infinite_src_roi = false, smooth_types smooth_edge = smooth_types::off, border_types border = border_types::repl, crop_types crop = crop_types::on)#

Affine Transform constructor.

  • src_roi – Source rectangle to transform.

  • dst_tri – Array of 3 vertices for the destination triangle.

  • direction – The direction of the transformation, defaults to forward

  • infinite_src_roi – Whether the source region is infinite, defaults to false

  • smooth_edge – The type of smooth edge to use, defaults to smooth_types::off

  • border – The border type to use, defaults to border_types::repl

  • crop – The crop flag, defaults to crop_types::on

explicit warp_nearest_spec(const std::array<ComputeT, 6> &coefficients, directions direction = directions::forward, bool infinite_src_roi = false, smooth_types smooth_edge = smooth_types::off, border_types border = border_types::repl, crop_types crop = crop_types::on)#

Affine Transform constructor with coefficients.

  • coefficients – Array of 6 coefficients for affine transform.

  • direction – The direction of the transformation, defaults to forward

  • infinite_src_roi – Whether the source region is infinite, defaults to false

  • smooth_edge – The type of smooth edge to use, defaults to smooth_types::off

  • border – The border type to use, defaults to border_types::repl

  • crop – The crop flag, defaults to crop_types::on

explicit warp_nearest_spec(const std::array<ComputeT, 9> &coefficients, directions direction = directions::forward, bool infinite_src_roi = false, smooth_types smooth_edge = smooth_types::off, border_types border = border_types::repl, crop_types crop = crop_types::on)#

Perspective Transform constructor with coefficients.

  • coefficients – Array of 9 coefficients for perspective transform.

  • direction – The direction of the transformation, defaults to forward

  • infinite_src_roi – Whether the source region is infinite, defaults to false

  • smooth_edge – The type of smooth edge to use, defaults to smooth_types::off

  • border – The border type to use, defaults to border_types::repl

  • crop – The crop flag, defaults to crop_types::on

const std::array<sycl::id<2>, 4> get_perspective_quad(const roi_rect &src_rect) const#

Computes the destination quadrangle based on source ROI and perspective coefficients.


src_rect – The source rectangle to transform.


The destination quadrangle as an array of sycl::id<2>.

const std::array<sycl::id<2>, 4> get_perspective_quad(const roi_rect &src_rect)#

Computes the destination quadrangle based on source ROI and perspective coefficients.


src_rect – The source rectangle to transform.


The destination quadrangle as an array of sycl::id<2>.

const roi_rect get_perspective_bound(const roi_rect &src_rect)#

Computes the bounding rectangle for a perspective transform.


src_rect – The source rectangle to transform.


The ROI around the quadrangle, to which the source ROI is mapped by the perspective transform.

const std::array<sycl::id<2>, 4> get_affine_quad(const roi_rect &src_rect) const#

Computes the destination quadrangle for an affine transform.


src_rect – The source rectangle to transform.


The destination quadrangle as an array of sycl::id<2>.

const std::array<sycl::id<2>, 4> get_affine_quad(const roi_rect &src_rect)#

Computes the destination quadrangle for an affine transform.


src_rect – The source rectangle to transform.


The destination quadrangle as an array of sycl::id<2>.

const roi_rect get_affine_bound(const roi_rect &src_rect)#

Computes the bounding rectangle for an affine transform.


src_rect – The source rectangle to transform.


The ROI around the quadrangle, to which the source ROI is mapped by the affine transform.

const sycl::buffer<ComputeT, 1> &get_coefficients() const noexcept#

Retrieves the buffer containing transformation coefficients.


A SYCL buffer containing the coefficients.

directions get_direction() const#

Retrieves the direction of the transformation.


The direction of the transformation as a member of the ‘directions’ enum.

bool is_infinite_src_roi() const#

Checks whether the source ROI is infinite.


‘true’ if the source ROI is considered infinite, ‘false’ otherwise.

smooth_types is_smooth_edge() const#

Retrieves the type of smoothing applied to edges.


The type of edge smoothing as a member of the ‘smooth_types’ enum.

warp_transform_types get_transform_type() const#

Retrieves the type of transformation being applied.


The type of transformation as a member of the ‘transform_types’ enum.


compile-time layout check

Indicates an error when image layout is not supported.

compile-time data type check

Indicates an error when image data type is not supported.

compile-time compute data type check

Indicates an error when compute data type is not supported.

invalid_argument exception

Indicates an error when one of the pitch values is not divisible by size of component data type in bytes.

invalid_argument exception

Indicates an error when warp coefficients matrix is invalid.

unimplemented exception

Indicates an error when border type is not supported.

unimplemented exception

Indicates an error when border type and crop combination is not supported.

unimplemented exception

Indicates an error when border type and smooth edge option combination is not supported.

The code example below demonstrates how oneapi::ipl::warp_nearest shall be called:

using namespace oneapi;

sycl::queue                 queue;
ipl::shared_usm_allocator_t allocator{ queue };
const sycl::range<2>        image_size{ height, width };

// Image representing source RGBA image
ipl::image<ipl::layouts::channel4, std::uint8_t> src_image{ queue, p_image_data, image_size, allocator };
// Destination image with Warp Perspective Nearest result
ipl::image<ipl::layouts::channel4, std::uint8_t> dst_image{ image_size, allocator };

// Define a transform from the entire source image ROI
const roi_rect src_rect{
    sycl::id<2>{ static_cast<std::size_t>(0), static_cast<std::size_t>(0) },
    sycl::range<2>{ static_cast<std::size_t>(width), static_cast<std::size_t>(height) }

// Transform the source image to a quadrilateral
std::array<sycl::id<2>, 4> dst_quad{
    sycl::id<2>( 0, src_size[1] ),
    sycl::id<2>( (src_size[0] - 1) / 2, (src_size[1] - 1) ),
    sycl::id<2>( src_size[0] - 1, (src_size[1] - 1) / 2 ),
    sycl::id<2>( (src_size[0] - 1) / 2, 0 )

// Define a perspective transform by providing a destination quadrangle. A quadrangle implies a
// perspective transform while a destination triangle (parallelogram) instead creates an affine
// transform. This invokes a perspective-optimized warp function.
const warp_nearest_spec<float> spec{ src_rect, dst_quad };
auto event = warp_nearest(queue, src_image, dst_image, spec);