RGB/RGBA to Grayscale Color Conversion#

Converts an image from RGB or RGBA format to grayscale format.


This function can operate with ROI (see Image Regions of Interest).

This function performs conversion from RGB or RGBA image to grayscale image using following basic equation to compute luma from nonlinear gamma-corrected red, green and blue values:

Y' = 0.299 * R' + 0.587 * G' + 0.114 * B'

Note that the transform coefficients conform to the standard for the NTSC red, green, and blue CRT phosphors. In case of RGBA source image format, alpha channel is ignored and its values are lost.




template<typename ComputeT = float, typename SrcImageT, typename DstImageT>
sycl::event oneapi::ipl::rgb_to_gray(sycl::queue &queue, SrcImageT &src, DstImageT &dst, const color_conversion_spec<typename DstImageT::data_t> &spec = {}, const std::vector<sycl::event> &dependencies = {})#

Function for RGB or RGBA to grayscale color conversion.

Template Parameters:
  • ComputeT – The type in which all calculations will be performed

  • SrcImageT – Source image type

  • DstImageT – Destination image type

  • queue – SYCL queue object

  • src – Source image object

  • dst – Destination image object

  • spec – Specification for convert function

  • dependencies – SYCL event dependencies


SYCL event

Supported values for ComputeT:



Supported values for source layout:




See Parameters of Color Conversion (spec).


compile-time memory layout check

Indicates an error when image memory layout is not supported.

compile-time data type check

Indicates an error when image data type is not supported.

compile-time compute data type check

Indicates an error when compute data type is not supported.

invalid_argument exception

Indicates an error when ROI sizes of the source image and the destination image are not equal.

invalid_argument exception

Indicates an error when one of the pitch values is not divisible by size of component data type in bytes.

The code example below demonstrates how oneapi::ipl::rgb_to_gray shall be called for RGBA to grayscale conversion:

using namespace oneapi;

sycl::queue                 queue;
ipl::shared_usm_allocator_t allocator{ queue };
const sycl::range<2>        image_size{ height, width };

// Source image for RGBA data
ipl::image<ipl::layouts::channel4, std::uint8_t> src_image{ queue, p_image_data, image_size, allocator };
// Destination image for grayscale data
ipl::image<ipl::layouts::plane, std::uint8_t> dst_image{ image_size, allocator };

// Convert RGBA to gray
auto event = ipl::rgb_to_gray(queue, src_image, dst_image);