Color Twist#

Converts an image using a color-twist matrix.


This function applies a color-twist matrix to the source image and use values of all color channels of a source pixel to compute the resultant destination channel value. This function obtains the destination channel value as the result of multiplying the corresponding row of the color-twist matrix by the vector of source pixel channel values.

For example, if (r,g,b) is a source pixel, then this function computes the destination pixel values (R,G,B) using formulae:

R = t11 * r + t12 * g + t13 * b + t14
G = t21 * r + t22 * g + t23 * b + t24
B = t31 * r + t32 * g + t33 * b + t34


\[\begin{split}T=\begin{bmatrix} t_{11} & t_{12} & t_{13} & t_{14} \\ t_{21} & t_{22} & t_{23} & t_{24} \\ t_{31} & t_{32} & t_{33} & t_{34} \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

is the color-twist matrix. This function supports color-twist matrices of size 3x4, or 4x4 with single-precision or double-precision floating-point elements. The matrix elements are specific for each particular type of color conversion.

Algorithm parameters shall be set through the color_twist_spec class.
  • When the row size of twist matrix is 3, the number of channels shall be 3 or 4, this type of alpha handling shall correspond to the ignore_alpha value in the alpha_handling_types enumerator. The computation ignores alpha channel in source image pixels and its values remains unchanged in destination image pixels.

  • When the row size of twist matrix is 4, the number of channels shall only be 4, this type of alpha handling shall correspond to the process_alpha value in the alpha_handling_types enumerator. The computation processes alpha channel in source image pixels but its values remains unchanged in destination image pixels.

This function can operate with ROI (see Image Regions of Interest).

This function does not support in-place operations currently.




template<typename ComputeT = float, typename SrcImageT, typename DstImageT>
sycl::event oneapi::ipl::color_twist(sycl::queue &queue, SrcImageT &src, DstImageT &dst, const color_twist_spec<ComputeT> &spec, const std::vector<sycl::event> &dependencies = {})#

Color Twist.

Template Parameters:
  • ComputeT – type to perform calculations

  • SrcImageT – Source image type

  • DstImageT – Destination image type

  • queue[in] SYCL queue

  • src[in] source image

  • dst[out] destination image

  • spec[in] algorithmic specification

  • dependencies[in] other events dependencies


SYCL event, that represents a status of an operation it associated with

Supported values for ComputeT:




Supported combinations for DataT/Layouts:














Supported combinations for Color-twist matrix sizes/Layouts:

Color-twist matrix sizes/Layouts








color-twist matrix support

Input of color-twist matrix should shall be a pointer to the first element of the two-dimensional array.

enumerated attribute alpha_handling_types support

When the row size of twist matrix is 3, alpha channel in source image pixels shall be ignored and alpha_handling_types shall be ignore_alpha.
When the row size of twist matrix is 4, alpha channel in source image pixels shall be processed and alpha_handling_types shall be process_alpha.
template<typename ComputeT = float>
class color_twist_spec#

Color Twist parameters.

Public Functions

constexpr color_twist_spec(const ComputeT *p_twist, const alpha_handling_types alpha_handling_type)#

Construct Color Twist specification.

  • p_twist – twist matrix pointer

  • alpha_handling_type – alpha handling type

sycl::buffer<ComputeT, 1> get_twist() const noexcept#

Returns the twist matrix sycl buffer.


the twist matrix sycl buffer

constexpr alpha_handling_types get_alpha_handling_type() const noexcept#

Returns the alpha handling type how to deal with Alpha value source image pixels.


alpha handling type


compile-time memory layout check

Indicates an error when image memory layout is not supported.

compile-time data type check

Indicates an error when image data type is not supported.

compile-time compute data type check

Indicates an error when compute data type is not supported.


Indicates an error when ROI sizes of the source image and the destination image are not equal.

invalid_argument exception

Indicates an error when one of the pitch values is not divisible by size of component data type in bytes.

invalid_argument exception

Indicates an error when alpha_handling_types and the image layouts are incorrectly configured.

The code example below demonstrates how oneapi::ipl::color_twist shall be called:

using namespace oneapi;

sycl::queue                 queue;
ipl::shared_usm_allocator_t allocator{ queue };
const sycl::range<2>        image_size{ height, width };

// Source 4-channel image data
ipl::image<ipl::layouts::channel4, std::uint8_t> src_image{ queue, p_src_image_data, image_size, allocator };
// Destination 4-channel image data
ipl::image<ipl::layouts::channel4, std::uint8_t> dst_image{ queue, p_dst_image_data, image_size, allocator };

// Create a 3x4 color twist matrix
constexpr ipl::alpha_handling_types alpha_handling_type{ ipl::alpha_handling_types::ignore_alpha };

const float twist[3][4] = { { 0.29900f, 0.58700f, 0.11400f, 0.000f },
                            { -0.16874f, -0.33126f, 0.50000f, 128.0f },
                            { 0.50000f, -0.41869f, -0.08131f, 128.0f } };

// Color twist spec with twist matrix
const ipl::color_twist_spec spec{ &twist[0][0], alpha_handling_type };

// Apply color_twist to the 4-channel image with uint8_t data type
auto event = ipl::color_twist(queue, src_image, dst_image, spec);