Parameters of Color Conversion (spec)#

Color conversion functions take common specification with alpha-channel values which are required only for channel4 layouts with transparency channel. For other conversions, specification is not unused.


color_conversion_spec class contains an alpha-channel values and might contain any additional parameters for conversion.

template<typename DataT>
class color_conversion_spec

Color conversion parameters.

Template Parameters:

DataT – destination image data type

Public Functions

constexpr color_conversion_spec(DataT a_value = max_color_v<DataT>) noexcept

Construct convert specification with provided parameter of same data type for alpha channel.


a_value – value to fill alpha channel of result RGBA image

template<typename OtherDataT, std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic_v<OtherDataT>, std::uint32_t> = 0U>
explicit constexpr color_conversion_spec(OtherDataT a_value)

Construct convert specification with provided parameter of different data type for alpha channel.


a_value – value to fill alpha channel of result RGBA image

constexpr DataT get_alpha_value() const noexcept

Getter for alpha channel value.


alpha channel value