warning_accessor Class#


The warning_accessor class provides access, either on the host or on a device, to the state of the warning flags handled by the corresponding warning handler. To construct an object of this class, call the method warning_handler<WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum>::get_access() (warning_handler class).

Include Files


Domain Dependencies

Headers: oneapi/ipl.hpp

Libraries: oneipl.lib


template<typename WarningEnumT, WarningEnumT MinWarningEnum, WarningEnumT MaxWarningEnum, sycl::access_mode AccessMode, bool IsHost>
class warning_accessor#

This class provides an access (either on host or on a device) to the state of the warning flags that are handled by the corresponding warning handler.

To construct an object of this class call the method warning_handler<WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum>::get_access().

Template Parameters:
  • WarningEnumT – the type of the warning enumeration which items are used as warnings by this warning state accessor

  • MinWarningEnum – the minimal value of the warning flag this warning state accessor works with

  • MaxWarningEnum – the maximal value of the warning flag this warning state accessor works with

  • AccessMode – the access mode (sycl::access_mode) that is used to access the state of the warning flags

  • IsHost – the flag that specifies whether this warning state accessor is host (true), or not (false)

Public Types

using warning_enum_t = WarningEnumT#

Alias for the template parameter WarningEnumT (the type of the warning enumeration which items are used as warnings by this warning state accessor).

using warning_code_t = std::underlying_type_t<WarningEnumT>#

Alias for the underlying type of WarningEnumT enumeration type.

Public Functions

bool has(WarningEnumT warning_enum) const#

Checks whether the flag for the given warning warning_enum is set.


warning_enum – the given warning which flag is to be checked


true if the flag for the given warning warning_enum is set, or false otherwise

bool all() const#

Checks whether all warning flags accessed by this accessor are set.


true if all warning flags are set, or false otherwise

bool any() const#

Checks whether any of warning flags accessed by this accessor is set.


true if any of warning flags is set, or false otherwise

bool none() const#

Checks whether no warning flag accessed by this accessor is set.


true if no warning flag is set.

std::size_t count() const#

Returns the number of warning flags accessed by this accessor that are set.


the number of warning flags handled accessed by this accessor that are set

constexpr std::size_t size() const#

Returns the number of warning flags accessed by this accessor.


the number of warning flags accessed by this accessor

template<sycl::access_mode AccessModeCopy = access_mode_v>
void set() const#

Sets all warning flags accessed by this accessor.

This function is available only unless AccessMode is read-only.

template<sycl::access_mode AccessModeCopy = access_mode_v>
void set(WarningEnumT warning_enum) const#

Sets the flag for the given warning warning_enum.

This function is available only unless AccessMode is read-only.


warning_enum[in] the given warning which flag is to be set

template<sycl::access_mode AccessModeCopy = access_mode_v>
void reset() const#

Sets all warning flags accessed by this accessor to false.

This function is available only unless AccessMode is read-only.

template<sycl::access_mode OtherAccessMode, sycl::access_mode AccessModeCopy = access_mode_v>
void merge(const warning_accessor<WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum, OtherAccessMode, IsHost> &other_warning_accessor) const#

Merges the warning state accessed by this accessor with the state accessed by the other warning state accessor other_warning_accessor.

This function is available only unless the access mode of this accessor is read-only and the access mode of the other warning state accessor other_warning_accessor is any read.


other_warning_accessor[in] the given other warning state accessor

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr auto number_of_warnings_v = {static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<warning_code_t>(MaxWarningEnum) - static_cast<warning_code_t>(MinWarningEnum)) + 1}#

The number of warnings (from MinWarningEnum to MaxWarningEnum) accessed by this accessor.

static constexpr auto access_mode_v = AccessMode#

Alias for the template parameter AccessMode (the access mode that is used to access the warning state).


friend class warning_handler
friend class warning_accessor< WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum, sycl::access_mode::read, IsHost >
friend class warning_accessor< WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum, sycl::access_mode::write, IsHost >
friend class warning_accessor< WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum, sycl::access_mode::read_write, IsHost >
friend class warning_accessor< WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum, sycl::access_mode::atomic, false >