Element access

All member functions in this section can be performed concurrently with each other, concurrent growth methods and while traversing the container.

In case of concurrent growth, the element returned by the access method can refer to the element that is under construction of the other thread.

Access by index

value_type& operator[]( size_type index );

const value_type& operator[]( size_type index ) const;

Returns: a reference to the element on the position index.

The behavior is undefined if index() >= size().

value_type& at( size_type index );

const value_type& at( size_type index ) const;

Returns: a reference to the element on the position index.


  • std::out_of_range if index >= size().

  • std::range_error if the vector is broken and the element on the position index unallocated.

Access the first and the last element

value_type& front();

const value_type& front() const;

Returns: a reference to the first element in the vector.

value_type& back();

const value_type& back() const;

Returns: a reference to the last element in the vector.