

Class template for a recursively divisible half-open interval.

A blocked_range represents a half-open range [i,*j*) that can be recursively split.

A blocked_range meets the Range requirements.

A blocked_range specifies a grain size of type size_t.

A blocked_range is splittable into two subranges if the size of the range exceeds its grain size. The ideal grain size depends on the context of the blocked_range, which is typically passed as the range argument to the loop templates parallel_for, parallel_reduce, or parallel_scan.

// Defined in header <oneapi/tbb/blocked_range.h>

namespace oneapi {
    namespace tbb {

        template<typename Value>
        class blocked_range {
            // types
            using size_type = size_t;
            using const_iterator = Value;

            // constructors
            blocked_range( Value begin, Value end, size_type grainsize=1 );
            blocked_range( blocked_range& r, split );
            blocked_range( blocked_range& r, proportional_split& proportion );

            // capacity
            size_type size() const;
            bool empty() const;

            // access
            size_type grainsize() const;
            bool is_divisible() const;

            // iterators
            const_iterator begin() const;
            const_iterator end() const;

    } // namespace tbb
} // namespace oneapi


Member functions

type size_type

The type for measuring the size of a blocked_range. The type is always a size_t.

type const_iterator

The type of a value in the range. Despite its name, the const_iterator type is not necessarily an STL iterator; it merely needs to meet the BlockedRangeValue requirements. However, it is convenient to call it const_iterator so that if it is a const_iterator, the blocked_range behaves like a read-only STL container.

blocked_range(Value begin, Value end, size_type grainsize = 1)

Requirements: The parameter grainsize must be positive. The debug version of the library raises an assertion failure if this requirement is not met.

Effects: Constructs a blocked_range representing the half-open interval [begin, end) with the given grainsize.

Example: The statement "blocked_range<int> r(5, 14, 2);" constructs a range of int that contains the values 5 through 13 inclusive, with the grain size of 2. Afterwards, r.begin()==5 and r.end()==14.

blocked_range(blocked_range &range, split)

Basic splitting constructor.

Requirements: is_divisible() is true.

Effects: Partitions range into two subranges. The newly constructed blocked_range is approximately the second half of the original range, and range is updated to be the remainder. Each subrange has the same grainsize as the original range.

Example: Let r be a blocked_range that represents a half-open interval [i, j) with a grain size g. Running the statement blocked_range<int> s(r, split); subsequently causes r to represent [i, i+(j-i)/2) and s to represent [i+(j-i)/2, j), both with grain size g.

blocked_range(blocked_range &range, proportional_split proportion)

Proportional splitting constructor.

Requirements: is_divisible() is true.

Effects: Partitions range into two subranges such that the ratio of their sizes is close to the ratio of proportion.left() to proportion.right(). The newly constructed blocked_range is the subrange at the right, and range is updated to be the subrange at the left.

Example: Let r be a blocked_range that represents a half-open interval [i, j) with a grain size g. Running the statement blocked_range<int> s(r, proportional_split(2, 3)); subsequently causes r to represent [i, i+2*(j-i)/(2+3)) and s to represent [i+2*(j-i)/(2+3), j), both with grain size g.

size_type size() const

Requirements: end()<begin() is false.

Effects: Determines size of range.

Returns: end()-begin().

bool empty() const

Effects: Determines if range is empty.

Returns: !(begin()<end())

size_type grainsize() const

Returns: Grain size of range.

bool is_divisible() const

Requirements: end()<begin() is false.

Effects: Determines if the range can be split into subranges.

Returns: True if size()>grainsize(); false, otherwise.

const_iterator begin() const

Returns: Inclusive lower bound of the range.

const_iterator end() const

Returns: Exclusive upper bound of the range.

See also: