

A node that broadcasts incoming messages to all of its successors.

// Defined in header <oneapi/tbb/flow_graph.h>

namespace oneapi {
namespace tbb {
namespace flow {

    template< typename T >
    class broadcast_node :
    public graph_node, public receiver<T>, public sender<T> {
        explicit broadcast_node( graph &g );
        broadcast_node( const broadcast_node &src );

        bool try_put( const T &v );
        bool try_get( T &v );

} // namespace flow
} // namespace tbb
} //namespace oneapi

broadcast_node is a graph_node, receiver<T>, and sender<T>.

broadcast_node has a discarding and broadcast-push properties.

All messages are forwarded immediately to all successors.

Member functions

explicit broadcast_node(graph &g)

Constructs an object of type broadcast_node that belongs to the graph g.

broadcast_node(const broadcast_node &src)

Constructs an object of type broadcast_node that belongs to the same graph g as src. The list of predecessors and the list of successors are not copied.

bool try_put(const input_type &v)

Broadcasts v to all successors.

Returns: always returns true, even if it was unable to successfully forward the message to any of its successors.

bool try_get(output_type &v)

Returns: false.