warning_accessor Class


The warning_accessor class provides an access (either on host or on a device) to the state of the warning flags that are handled by the corresponding warning handler. To construct an object of this class call the method warning_handler<WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum>::get_access() (warning_handler class).

Include Files


Domain Dependencies

Headers: oneapi/ipl.hpp

Libraries: oneipl.lib


template<typename WarningEnumT, WarningEnumT MinWarningEnum, WarningEnumT MaxWarningEnum, sycl::access_mode AccessMode, bool IsHost>
class oneapi::ipl::warning_accessor

This class provides an access (either on host or on a device) to the state of the warning flags that are handled by the corresponding warning handler.

To construct an object of this class call the method warning_handler<WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum>::get_access().

Template Parameters
  • WarningEnumT – the type of the warning enumeration which items are used as warnings by this warning state accessor

  • MinWarningEnum – the minimal value of the warning flag this warning state accessor works with

  • MaxWarningEnum – the maximal value of the warning flag this warning state accessor works with

  • AccessMode – the access mode (sycl::access_mode) that is used to access the state of the warning flags

  • IsHost – the flag that specifies whether this warning state accessor is host (true), or not (false)

Public Types

using warning_enum_t = WarningEnumT

Alias for the template parameter WarningEnumT (the type of the warning enumeration which items are used as warnings by this warning state accessor).

using warning_code_t = std::underlying_type_t<WarningEnumT>

Alias for the underlying type of WarningEnumT enumeration type.

Public Functions

bool has(WarningEnumT warning_enum) const

Checks whether the flag for the given warning warning_enum is set.


warning_enum – the given warning which flag is to be checked


true if the flag for the given warning warning_enum is set, or false otherwise

bool all() const

Checks whether all warning flags accessed by this accessor are set.


true if all warning flags are set, or false otherwise

bool any() const

Checks whether any of warning flags accessed by this accessor is set.


true if any of warning flags is set, or false otherwise

bool none() const

Checks whether no warning flag accessed by this accessor is set.


true if no warning flag is set.

std::size_t count() const

Returns the number of warning flags accessed by this accessor that are set.


the number of warning flags handled accessed by this accessor that are set

constexpr std::size_t size() const

Returns the number of warning flags accessed by this accessor.


the number of warning flags accessed by this accessor

template<sycl::access_mode AccessModeCopy = access_mode_v>
void set() const

Sets all warning flags accessed by this accessor.

This function is available only unless AccessMode is read-only.

template<sycl::access_mode AccessModeCopy = access_mode_v>
void set(WarningEnumT warning_enum) const

Sets the flag for the given warning warning_enum.

This function is available only unless AccessMode is read-only.


warning_enum[in] the given warning which flag is to be set

template<sycl::access_mode AccessModeCopy = access_mode_v>
void reset() const

Sets all warning flags accessed by this accessor to false.

This function is available only unless AccessMode is read-only.

template<sycl::access_mode OtherAccessMode, sycl::access_mode AccessModeCopy = access_mode_v>
void merge(const warning_accessor<WarningEnumT, MinWarningEnum, MaxWarningEnum, OtherAccessMode, IsHost> &other_warning_accessor) const

Merges the warning state accessed by this accessor with the state accessed by the other warning state accessor other_warning_accessor.

This function is available only unless the access mode of this accessor is read-only and the access mode of the other warning state accessor other_warning_accessor is any read.


other_warning_accessor[in] the given other warning state accessor

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr auto number_of_warnings_v = {static_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<warning_code_t>(MaxWarningEnum) - static_cast<warning_code_t>(MinWarningEnum)) + 1}

The number of warnings (from MinWarningEnum to MaxWarningEnum) accessed by this accessor.

static constexpr auto access_mode_v = AccessMode

Alias for the template parameter AccessMode (the access mode that is used to access the warning state).

static constexpr auto access_target_v   = IsHost ? sycl::target::host_buffer : sycl::target::global_buffer

Access target of this warning state accessor (depends on the value of IsHost flag).