error_accessor Class


The error_accessor class must provide an access (either on host or on a device) to the state of the error flag that is handled by the corresponding error handler. To construct an object of this class call the method error_handler<ErrorEnumT>::get_access() (error_handler class).

Include Files


Domain Dependencies

Headers: oneapi/ipl.hpp

Libraries: oneipl.lib


template<typename ErrorEnumT, sycl::access_mode AccessMode, bool IsHost>
class oneapi::ipl::error_accessor

This class provides an access (either on host or on a device) to the state of the error flag that is handled by the corresponding error handler.

To construct an object of this class call the method error_handler<ErrorEnumT>::get_access().

Template Parameters
  • ErrorEnumT – the type of the error enumeration which items are used as errors by this error flag accessor

  • AccessMode – the access mode (sycl::access_mode) that is used to access the error flag

  • IsHost – the flag that specifies whether this error flag accessor is host (true), or not (false)

Public Types

using error_enum_t = ErrorEnumT

Alias for the template parameter ErrorEnumT (the type of the error enumeration which items are used as errors by this error flag accessor).

Public Functions

auto get_error() const -> ErrorEnumT

Returns the current value of the error flag.


the current value of the error flag

template<sycl::access_mode AccessModeCopy = access_mode_v>
void set_error(ErrorEnumT error_enum) const

Sets the given value error_enum to the error flag.

This function is available only unless AccessMode is read-only.


error_enum[in] the given value to be set to the error flag

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr auto access_mode_v = AccessMode

Alias for the template parameter AccessMode (the access mode that is used to access the error flag).

static constexpr auto access_target_v   = IsHost ? sycl::target::host_buffer : sycl::target::global_buffer

Access target of this error flag accessor (depends on the value of IsHost flag).