
concurrent_map::value_compare is a function object that is used to compare concurrent_map::value_type objects by comparing their first components.

Class Synopsis

namespace tbb {

    template <typename Key, typename T,
              typename Compare, typename Allocator>
    class concurrent_map<Key, T, Compare, Allocator>::value_compare {
        key_compare comp;

        value_compare( key_compare c );

        bool operator()( const value_type& lhs, const value_type& rhs ) const;
    }; // class value_compare

} // namespace tbb

Member objects

key_compare comp;

The key comparison function object.

Member functions

value_compare( key_compare c );

Constructs a value_compare with the stored key comparison function object c.

bool operator()( const value_type& lhs, const value_type& rhs ) const;

Compares lhs.first and rhs.first by calling the stored key comparison function comp.

Returns: true if first components of lhs and rhs are equal; false, otherwise.