Concurrently safe modifiers

All member functions in this section can be performed concurrently with each other, lookup methods and while traversing the container.

Inserting values

std::pair<iterator, bool> insert( const value_type& value )

Inserts the value value into the container.

Returns: std::pair<iterator, bool>, where iterator points to the inserted element. Boolean value is always true.

iterator insert( const_iterator hint, const value_type& other )

Inserts the value value into the container.

Optionally uses the parameter hint as a suggestion to where the element should be placed.

Returns: an iterator to the inserted element.

std::pair<iterator, bool> insert( value_type&& value )

Inserts the value value into the container using move semantics.

value is left in a valid, but unspecified state.

Returns: std::pair<iterator, bool>, where iterator points to the inserted element. Boolean value is always true.

iterator insert( const_iterator hint, value_type&& other )

Inserts the value value into the container using move semantics.

Optionally uses the parameter hint as a suggestion to where the element should be placed.

value is left in a valid, but unspecified state.

Returns: an iterator to the inserted element.

Inserting sequences of elements

template <typename InputIterator>
void insert( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )

Inserts all items from the half-open interval [first, last) into the container.

Requirements: the type InputIterator must meet the requirements of InputIterator from the [input.iterators] ISO C++ Standard section.

void insert( std::initializer_list<value_type> init )

Equivalent to insert(init.begin(), init.end()).

Inserting nodes

std::pair<iterator, bool> insert( node_type&& nh )

If the node handle nh is empty, does nothing.

Otherwise - inserts the node, owned by nh into the container.

nh is left in an empty state.

No copy or move constructors of value_type are performed.

The behavior is undefined if nh is not empty and get_allocator() != nh.get_allocator().

Returns: std::pair<iterator, bool> where iterator points to the inserted element. Boolean value is always true.

iterator insert( const_iterator hint, node_type&& nh )

If the node handle nh is empty, does nothing.

Otherwise - inserts the node, owned by nh into the container.

Optionally uses the parameter hint as a suggestion to where the node should be placed.

nh is left in an empty state.

No copy or move constructors of value_type are performed.

The behavior is undefined if nh is not empty and get_allocator() != nh.get_allocator().

Returns: an iterator pointing to the inserted element.

Emplacing elements

template <typename... Args>
std::pair<iterator, bool> emplace( Args&&... args )

Inserts an element ,constructed in-place from args into the container.

Returns: std::pair<iterator, bool> where iterator points to the inserted element. Boolean value is always true.

template <typename... Args>
iterator emplace_hint( const_iterator hint, Args&&... args )

Inserts an element ,constructed in-place from args into the container.

Optionally uses the parameter hint as a suggestion to where the node should be placed.

Returns: an iterator to the inserted element.

Merging containers

template <typename SrcHash, SrcKeyEqual>
void merge( concurrent_unordered_set<T, SrcHash, SrcKeyEqual, Allocator>& source )

template <typename SrcHash, SrcKeyEqual>
void merge( concurrent_unordered_set<T, SrcHash, SrcKeyEqual, Allocator>&& source )

template <typename SrcHash, SrcKeyEqual>
void merge( concurrent_unordered_multiset<T, SrcHash, SrcKeyEqual, Allocator>& source )

template <typename SrcHash, SrcKeyEqual>
void merge( concurrent_unordered_multiset<T, SrcHash, SrcKeyEqual, Allocator>&& source )

Transfers all elements from source to *this.

No copy or move constructors of value_type are performed.

The behavior is undefined if get_allocator() != source.get_allocator().