
Generates bits of underlying engine (BRNG) integer sequence.


The bits class object is used in generate and function to provide integer random values. Each integer can be treated as a vector of several bits. In pseudorandom generators this randomness can be violated. See VS Notes for details.

class bits#


namespace oneapi::mkl::rng::device {
  template<typename UIntType = std::uint32_t>
  class bits {
    using result_type = UIntType;

Template parameters

typename UIntType
Type of the produced values. Supported types:
  • std::uint32_t for philox4x32x10, mrg32k3a and mcg31m1 engines.

  • std::uint64_t for mcg59.

Member types

bits::result_type = UIntType


The type which defines type of generated random numbers.

Parent topic: Device Distributions