
Takes a matrix handle and the input CSR matrix arrays and fills the internal CSR data structure.

Description and Assumptions

Refer to Supported Types for a list of supported <fp> and <intType>. The mkl::sparse::set_csr_data routine takes a matrix handle for a sparse matrix of dimensions num_rows -by- num_cols represented in the CSR format, and fills the internal CSR data structure.

set_csr_data (Buffer version)#


namespace oneapi::mkl::sparse {

   void set_csr_data (sycl::queue                           &queue,
                      oneapi::mkl::sparse::matrix_handle_t  handle,
                      intType                               num_rows,
                      intType                               num_cols,
                      oneapi::mkl::index_base               index,
                      sycl::buffer<intType, 1>              &row_ptr,
                      sycl::buffer<intType, 1>              &col_ind,
                      sycl::buffer<fp, 1>                   &val);


Input Parameters


The SYCL command queue which will be used for SYCL kernel execution.


Handle to object containing sparse matrix and other internal data for subsequent DPC++ Sparse BLAS operations.


Number of rows of the input matrix .


Number of columns of the input matrix .


Indicates how input arrays are indexed. The possible options are described in index_base enum class.


SYCL memory object containing an array of length num_rows+1. Refer to CSR format for detailed description of row_ptr.


SYCL memory object which stores an array containing the column indices in index-based numbering. Refer to CSR format for detailed description of col_ind.


SYCL memory object which stores an array containing non-zero elements of the input matrix. Refer to CSR format for detailed description of val.

Output Parameters


Handle to object containing sparse matrix and other internal data for subsequent SYCL Sparse BLAS operations.


This routine shall throw the following exceptions if the associated condition is detected. An implementation may throw additional implementation-specific exception(s) in case of error conditions not covered here.

set_csr_data (USM version)#


namespace oneapi::mkl::sparse {

   sycl::event set_csr_data (sycl::queue                           &queue,
                             oneapi::mkl::sparse::matrix_handle_t  handle,
                             intType                               num_rows,
                             intType                               num_cols,
                             oneapi::mkl::index_base               index,
                             intType                               *row_ptr,
                             intType                               *col_ind,
                             fp                                    *val,
                             const std::vector<sycl::event>        &dependencies = {});


Input Parameters


The SYCL command queue which will be used for SYCL kernel execution.


Handle to object containing sparse matrix and other internal data for subsequent DPC++ Sparse BLAS operations.


Number of rows of the input matrix .


Number of columns of the input matrix .


Indicates how input arrays are indexed. The possible options are described in index_base enum class.


USM object containing an array of length num_rows+1. Refer to CSR format for detailed description of row_ptr


USM object which stores an array containing the column indices in index-based numbering. Refer to CSR format for detailed description of col_ind


USM object which stores an array containing non-zero elements of the input matrix. Refer to CSR format for detailed description of val


A vector of type const std::vector<sycl::event> & containing the list of events that the oneapi::mkl::sparse::set_csr_data routine depends on.

Output Parameters


Handle to object containing sparse matrix and other internal data for subsequent SYCL Sparse BLAS operations.

Return Values


A sycl::event that can be used to track the completion of asynchronous events that were enqueued during the API call that continue the chain of events from the input dependencies.


This routine shall throw the following exceptions if the associated condition is detected. An implementation may throw additional implementation-specific exception(s) in case of error conditions not covered here.