.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2021 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 ========= Combining ========= The member functions in this section iterate across the entire container sequentially in the calling thread. .. namespace:: oneapi::tbb::enumerable_thread_specific .. cpp:function:: template T combine(BinaryFunc f) **Requires**: A ``BinaryFunc`` must meet the `Function Objects` requirements described in the [function.objects] section of the ISO C++ standard. Specifically, the type should be an associative binary functor with the signature ``T BinaryFunc(T,T)`` or ``T BinaryFunc(const T&,const T&)``. A ``T`` type must be the same as a corresponding template parameter for ``enumerable_thread_specific`` object. **Effects**: Computes reduction over all elements using binary functor ``f``. If there are no elements, creates the result using the same rules as for creating a thread-local element. **Returns**: Result of the reduction. .. cpp:function:: template void combine_each(UnaryFunc f) **Requires**: An ``UnaryFunc`` must meet the `Function Objects` requirements described in the [function.objects] section of the ISO C++ standard. Specifically, the type should be an unary functor with one of signatures: ``void UnaryFunc(T)``, ``void UnaryFunc(T&)``, or ``void UnaryFunc(const T&)`` A ``T`` type must be the same as a corresponding template parameter for the ``enumerable_thread_specific`` object. **Effects**: Evaluates ``f(x)`` for each instance ``x`` of ``T`` in ``*this``.