.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 ================ FunctionNodeBody ================ **[req.function_node_body]** A type `Body` satisfies `FunctionNodeBody` if it meets the following requirements: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- **FunctionNodeBody Requirements: Pseudo-Signature, Semantics** .. namespace:: FunctionNodeBody .. cpp:function:: Body::Body( const Body& ) Copy constructor. .. cpp:function:: Body::~Body() Destructor. .. cpp:function:: Output Body::operator()( const Input& v ) **Requirements:** The ``Input`` and ``Output`` types must be the same as the ``Input`` and ``Output`` template type arguments of the ``fucntion_node`` instance in which the ``Body`` object is passed during construction. Performs operation on ``v`` and returns a value of type ``Output``.