.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 ================= ParallelForIndex ================= **[req.parallel_for_index]** A type `Index` satisfies `ParallelForIndex` if it meets the following requirements: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ **ParallelForIndex Requirements: Pseudo-Signature, Semantics** .. cpp:function:: Index::Index( int ) Constructor from an ``int`` value. .. cpp:function:: Index::Index( const Index& ) Copy constructor. .. cpp:function:: Index::~Index() Destructor. .. cpp:function:: void operator=( const Index& ) Assignment. .. note:: The return type ``void`` in the pseudo-signature denotes that ``operator=`` is not required to return a value. The actual ``operator=`` can return a value, which will be ignored. .. cpp:function:: bool operator<( const Index& i, const Index& j ) Value of *i* precedes value of *j*. .. cpp:function:: D operator-( const Index& i, const Index& j ) Number of values in range ``[i,j)``. .. cpp:function:: Index operator+( const Index& i, D k ) *k*-th value after *i*. ``D`` is the type of the expression ``j-i``. It can be any integral type that is convertible to ``size_t``. Examples that model the Index requirements are integral types and pointers. See also: * :doc:`parallel_for algorithm <../../algorithms/functions/parallel_for_func>`