.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 ====================== ContainerBasedSequence ====================== **[req.container_based_sequence]** A type `C` satisfies `ContainerBasedSequence` if it meets the following requirements: ---------------------------------------------------------------- **ContainerBasedSequence Requirements: Pseudo-Signature, Semantics** .. note:: In this page ``c`` is an object of type (possibly ``const``) ``C``. Templates that use the named requirement can impose stricter requirements on the iterator concept. .. cpp:function:: std::begin(c) Returns an input iterator to the beginning of the sequence represented by ``c``. .. cpp:function:: std::end(c) Returns an input iterator one past the end of the sequence represented by ``c``. See also: * :doc:`parallel_for_each algorithm <../../algorithms/functions/parallel_for_each_func>` * :doc:`parallel_sort algorithm <../../algorithms/functions/parallel_sort_func>`