.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2021 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 =============================== pre_scan_tag and final_scan_tag =============================== **[algorithms.parallel_scan.scan_tags]** Types that distinguish the phases of ``parallel_scan``. Types ``pre_scan_tag`` and ``final_scan_tag`` are dummy types used in conjunction with ``parallel_scan``. See the example in the :doc:`parallel_scan ` section for demonstration of how they are used in the signature of ``operator()``. .. code:: cpp // Defined in header namespace oneapi { namespace tbb { struct pre_scan_tag { static bool is_final_scan(); operator bool(); }; struct final_scan_tag { static bool is_final_scan(); operator bool(); }; } // namespace tbb } // namespace oneapi Member functions ---------------- .. cpp:function:: bool is_final_scan() ``true`` for a ``final_scan_tag``, ``false``, otherwise. .. cpp:function:: operator bool() ``true`` for a ``final_scan_tag``, ``false``, otherwise.