.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. highlight:: cpp .. default-domain:: cpp .. _column_accessor: =============== Column accessor =============== The ``column_accessor`` class provides a read-only access to the column values of the :txtref:`table` as :capterm:`contiguous ` :capterm:`homogeneous ` array. ------------- Usage example ------------- :: #include #include #include "oneapi/dal/table/homogen.hpp" #include "oneapi/dal/table/column_accessor.hpp" using namespace oneapi; int main() { sycl::queue queue { sycl::default_selector() }; constexpr float host_data[] = { 1.0f, 1.5f, 2.0f, 2.1f, 3.2f, 3.7f, 4.0f, 4.9f, 5.0f, 5.2f, 6.1f, 6.2f }; constexpr std::int64_t row_count = 4; constexpr std::int64_t column_count = 3; auto shared_data = sycl::malloc_shared(row_count * column_count, queue); auto event = queue.memcpy(shared_data, host_data, sizeof(float) * row_count * column_count); auto t = dal::homogen_table::wrap(queue, data, row_count, column_count, { event }); // Accessing whole elements in a first column dal::column_accessor acc { t }; auto block = acc.pull(queue, 0); for(std::int64_t i = 0; i < block.get_count(); i++) { std::cout << block[i] << ", "; } std::cout << std::endl; sycl::free(shared_data, queue); return 0; } --------------------- Programming interface --------------------- All types and functions in this section shall be declared in the ``oneapi::dal`` namespace and be available via inclusion of the ``oneapi/dal/table/column_accessor.hpp`` header file. .. onedal_class:: oneapi::dal::column_accessor