.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 =========== remove_edge =========== **[flow_graph.remove_edge]** A function template for building edges between nodes. .. code:: cpp // Defined in header namespace tbb { namespace flow { template inline void remove_edge( sender &p, receiver &s ); template< typename MultiOutputNode, typename MultiInputNode > inline void remove_edge( MultiOutputNode& output, MultiInputNode& input ); template inline void remove_edge( MultiOutputNode& output, receiver input ); template inline void remove_edge( sender output, MultiInputNode& input ); } // namespace flow } // namespace tbb Requirements: * The `MultiOutputNode` type must have a valid ``MultiOutputNode::output_ports_type`` qualified-id that denotes a type. * The `MultiInputNode` type must have a valid ``MultiInputNode::input_ports_type`` qualified-id that denotes a type. The common form of ``remove_edge(sender, receiver)`` creates an edge between provided ``sender`` and ``receiver`` instances. Overloads that accept a `MultiOutputNode` type instance remove an edge from port ``0`` of a multi-output predecessor. Overloads that accept a `MultiInputNode` type instance remove an edge to port ``0`` of a multi-input successor.