.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 =========== buffer_node =========== **[flow_graph.buffer_node]** A node that is an unbounded buffer of messages. Messages are forwarded in an arbitrary order. .. code:: cpp // Defined in header namespace tbb { namespace flow { template< typename T> class buffer_node : public graph_node, public receiver, public sender { public: explicit buffer_node( graph &g ); buffer_node( const buffer_node &src ); ~buffer_node(); bool try_put( const T &v ); bool try_get( T &v ); }; } // namespace flow } // namespace tbb Requirements: * The type ``T`` must meet the `CopyConstructible` requirements from [copyconstructible] and `CopyAssignable` requirements from [copyassignable] ISO C++ Standard sections. ``buffer_node`` is a ``graph_node``, ``receiver``, and ``sender``. ``buffer_node`` has a `buffering` and `single-push` :doc:`properties `. ``buffer_node`` forwards messages in an arbitrary order to a single successor in its successor set. Member functions ---------------- .. cpp:function:: explicit buffer_node( graph &g ) Constructs an empty ``buffer_node`` that belongs to the graph ``g``. .. cpp:function:: explicit buffer_node( const buffer_node &src ) Constructs an empty ``buffer_node`` that belongs to the same graph ``g`` as ``src``. Any intermediate state of ``src``, including its links to predecessors and successors, is not copied. .. cpp:function:: bool try_put( const T &v ) Adds ``v`` to the set of items managed by the node, and tries forwarding it to a successor. **Returns**: ``true`` .. cpp:function:: bool try_get( T &v ) **Returns**: ``true`` if an item can be removed from the node and assigned to ``v``. Returns ``false`` if there is no non-reserved item currently in the node.