.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 ========== async_node ========== **[flow_graph.async_node]** A node that enables communication between a flow graph and an external activity managed by the user or another runtime. .. code:: cpp // Defined in header namespace tbb { namespace flow { template < typename Input, typename Output, typename Policy = /*implemetation-defined*/ > class async_node : public graph_node, public receiver, public sender { public: template async_node( graph &g, size_t concurrency, Body body, Policy /*unspecified*/ = Policy(), node_priority_t priority = no_priority ); template async_node( graph &g, size_t concurrency, Body body, node_priority_t priority = no_priority ); async_node( const async_node& src ); ~async_node(); using gateway_type = /*implementation-defined*/; gateway_type& gateway(); bool try_put( const input_type& v ); bool try_get( output_type& v ); }; } // namespace flow } // namespace tbb Requirements: * The ``Input`` type must meet the `DefaultConstructible` requirements from [defaultconstructible] and the `CopyConstructible` requirements from [copyconstructible] ISO C++ Standard sections. * The type ``Policy`` can be specified as :doc:`lightweight, queueing and rejecting policies` or defaulted. * The type ``Body`` must meet the :doc:`AsyncNodeBody requirements <../named_requirements/flow_graph/async_node_body>`. ``async_node`` executes a user-provided body on incoming messages. The body typically submits the messages to an external activity for processing outside of the graph. It is responsibility of ``body`` to be able to pass the message to an external activity. This node also provides the ``gateway_type`` interface that allows an external activity to communicate with the flow graph. ``async_node`` is a ``graph_node``, ``receiver``, and a ``sender``. ``async_node`` has a `discarding` and `broadcast-push` :doc:`properties `. ``async_node`` has a user-settable concurrency limit, which can be set to one of :doc:`predefined values `. The user can also provide a value of type ``std::size_t`` to limit concurrency to a value between 1 and :doc:`tbb::flow::unlimited `. The body object passed to a ``async_node`` is copied. Updates to member variables do not affect the original object used to construct the node. If the state held within a body object must be inspected from outside of the node, the :doc:`copy_body ` function can be used to obtain an updated copy. Member types ---------------- ``gateway_type`` meets the :doc:`GatewayType requirements <../named_requirements/flow_graph/gateway_type>`. Member functions ---------------- .. code:: cpp template async_node( graph &g, size_t concurrency, Body body, node_priority_t priority = no_priority ); Constructs an ``async_node`` that invokes a copy of ``body``. The ``concurrency`` value limits the number of simultaneous ``body`` invocations for the node. This function specifies :doc:`node priority`. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: cpp template async_node( graph &g, size_t concurrency, Body body, Policy /*unspecified*/ = Policy(), node_priority_t priority = no_priority ); Constructs a ``async_node`` that invokes a copy of ``body``. Most ``concurrency`` calls to ``body`` can be made concurrently. This function specifies a :doc:`policy` and :doc:`node priority`. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: cpp async_node( const async_node &src ) Constructs an ``async_node`` that has the same initial state that ``src`` had when it was constructed. The ``async_node`` that is constructed has a reference to the same ``graph`` object as ``src``, has a copy of the initial body used by ``src``, and has the same concurrency threshold as ``src``. The predecessors and successors of ``src`` are not copied. The new body object is copy-constructed from a copy of the original body provided to ``src`` at its construction. Changes made to member variables in ``src``'s body after the construction of ``src`` do not affect the body of the new ``async_node.`` ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: cpp gateway_type& gateway() Returns reference to the ``gateway_type`` interface. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: cpp bool try_put( const input_type& v ) If the concurrency limit allows, executes the user-provided body on the incoming message ``v``. Otherwise, depending on the policy of the node, either queues the incoming message ``v`` or rejects it. **Returns:** ``true`` if the input was accepted; and ``false``, otherwise. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .. code:: cpp bool try_get( output_type& v ) **Returns**: ``false``