.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 ====== feeder ====== **[algorithms.parallel_for_each.feeder]** Inlet into which additional work items for a ``parallel_for_each`` can be fed. .. code:: cpp // Defined in header namespace tbb { template class feeder { public: void add( const Item& item ); void add( Item&& item ); }; } // namespace tbb Member functions ---------------- .. cpp:function:: void add( const Item& item ) Adds item to a collection of work items to be processed. .. cpp:function:: void add( Item&& item ) Same as the above but uses the move constructor of ``Item``, if available. .. caution:: Must be called from a ``Body::operator()`` created by the ``parallel_for_each`` function. Otherwise, the termination semantics of method ``operator()`` are undefined.