.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. _onemkl_lapack_getri_batch: getri_batch =========== Computes the inverses of a batch of LU-factored matrices determined by :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch`. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Description ``getri_batch`` supports the following precisions. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - T * - ``float`` * - ``double`` * - ``std::complex`` * - ``std::complex`` .. _onemkl_lapack_getri_batch_buffer: getri_batch (Buffer Version) ---------------------------- .. container:: section .. rubric:: Description The buffer version of ``getri_batch`` supports only the strided API. **Strided API** The routine computes the inverses :math:`A_i^{-1}` of general matrices :math:`A_i`. Before calling this routine, call the Strided API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch_buffer` function to factorize :math:`A_i`. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Syntax .. code-block:: cpp namespace oneapi::mkl::lapack { void getri_batch(cl::sycl::queue &queue, std::int64_t n, cl::sycl::buffer &a, std::int64_t lda, std::int64_t stride_a, cl::sycl::buffer &ipiv, std::int64_t stride_ipiv, std::int64_t batch_size, cl::sycl::buffer &scratchpad, std::int64_t scratchpad_size) } .. container:: section .. rubric:: Input Parameters queue Device queue where calculations will be performed. n Order of the matrices :math:`A_i` (:math:`0 \le n`). a Result of the Strided API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch_buffer` function. lda Leading dimension of :math:`A_i` (:math:`n\le \text{lda}`). stride_a Stride between the beginnings of matrices :math:`A_i` inside the batch array ``a``. ipiv Arrays returned by the Strided API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch_buffer` function. stride_ipiv Stride between the beginnings of arrays :math:`\text{ipiv}_i` inside the array ``ipiv``. batch_size Number of problems in a batch. scratchpad Scratchpad memory to be used by routine for storing intermediate results. scratchpad_size Size of scratchpad memory as a number of floating point elements of type ``T``. Size should not be less than the value returned by the Strided API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getri_batch_scratchpad_size` function. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Output Parameters a Inverse :math:`n \times n` matrices :math:`A_i^{-1}`. .. container:: section .. rubric Throws This routine shall throw the following exceptions if the associated condition is detected. An implementation may throw additional implementation-specific exception(s) in case of error conditions not covered here. :ref:`oneapi::mkl::lapack::batch_error` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unimplemented` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unsupported_device` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::lapack::invalid_argument` The ``info`` code of the problem can be obtained by `info()` method of exception object: If ``info = -n``, the :math:`n`-th parameter had an illegal value. If ``info`` equals to value passed as scratchpad size, and `detail()` returns non zero, then passed scratchpad is of insufficient size, and required size should be not less then value returned by `detail()` method of exception object. If ``info`` is not zero and `detail()` returns zero, then there were some errors for some of the problems in the supplied batch and ``info`` code contains the number of failed calculations in a batch. getri_batch (USM Version) ------------------------- .. container:: section .. rubric:: Description The USM version of ``getri_batch`` supports the group API and strided API. **Group API** The routine computes the inverses :math:`A_i^{-1}` of general matrices :math:`A_i`, :math:`i \in \{1...batch\_size\}`. Before calling this routine, call the Group API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch_usm` function to factorize :math:`A_i`. Total number of problems to solve, ``batch_size``, is a sum of sizes of all of the groups of parameters as provided by ``group_sizes`` array. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Syntax .. code-block:: cpp namespace oneapi::mkl::lapack { cl::sycl::event getri_batch(cl::sycl::queue &queue, std::int64_t *n, T **a, std::int64_t *lda, std::int64_t **ipiv, std::int64_t group_count, std::int64_t *group_sizes, T *scratchpad, std::int64_t scratchpad_size, const cl::sycl::vector_class &events = {}) } .. container:: section .. rubric:: Input Parameters queue Device queue where calculations will be performed. n Array of ``group_count`` :math:`n_g` parameters specifying the order of the matrices :math:`A_i` (:math:`0 \le n_g`) belonging to group :math:`g`. a Result of the Group API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch_usm` function. lda Array of ``group_count`` :math:`\text{lda}_g` parameters specifying the leading dimensions of the matrices :math:`A_i` (:math:`n_g \le \text{lda}_g`) belonging to group :math:`g`. ipiv Arrays returned by the Group API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch_usm` function. group_count Number of groups of parameters. Must be at least 0. group_sizes Array of ``group_count`` integers. Array element with index :math:`g` specifies the number of problems to solve for each of the groups of parameters :math:`g`. So the total number of problems to solve, ``batch_size``, is a sum of all parameter group sizes. scratchpad Scratchpad memory to be used by routine for storing intermediate results. scratchpad_size Size of scratchpad memory as a number of floating point elements of type ``T``. Size should not be less than the value returned by the Group API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getri_batch_scratchpad_size` function. events List of events to wait for before starting computation. Defaults to empty list. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Output Parameters a Inverse :math:`n_g \times n_g` matrices :math:`A_i^{-1}`. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Return Values Output event to wait on to ensure computation is complete. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Throws This routine shall throw the following exceptions if the associated condition is detected. An implementation may throw additional implementation-specific exception(s) in case of error conditions not covered here. :ref:`oneapi::mkl::lapack::batch_error` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unimplemented` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unsupported_device` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::lapack::invalid_argument` The ``info`` code of the problem can be obtained by `info()` method of exception object: If ``info = -n``, the :math:`n`-th parameter had an illegal value. If ``info`` equals to value passed as scratchpad size, and `detail()` returns non zero, then passed scratchpad is of insufficient size, and required size should be not less then value returned by `detail()` method of exception object. If ``info`` is not zero and `detail()` returns zero, then there were some errors for some of the problems in the supplied batch and ``info`` code contains the number of failed calculations in a batch. **Strided API** The routine computes the inverses :math:`A_i^{-1}` of general matrices :math:`A_i`. Before calling this routine, call the Strided API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch_usm` function to factorize :math:`A_i`. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Syntax .. code-block:: cpp namespace oneapi::mkl::lapack { cl::sycl::event getri_batch(cl::sycl::queue &queue, std::int64_t n, T *a, std::int64_t lda, std::int64_t stride_a, std::int64_t *ipiv, std::int64_t stride_ipiv, std::int64_t batch_size, T *scratchpad, std::int64_t scratchpad_size, const cl::sycl::vector_class &events = {}) }; .. container:: section .. rubric:: Input Parameters queue Device queue where calculations will be performed. n Order of the matrices :math:`A_i` (:math:`0 \le n`). a Result of the Strided API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch_usm` function. lda Leading dimension of :math:`A_i` (:math:`n \le \text{lda}`). stride_a Stride between the beginnings of matrices :math:`A_i` inside the batch array ``a``. ipiv Arrays returned by the Strided API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getrf_batch_usm` function. stride_ipiv Stride between the beginnings of arrays :math:`\text{ipiv}_i` inside the array ``ipiv``. batch_size Number of problems in a batch. scratchpad Scratchpad memory to be used by routine for storing intermediate results. scratchpad_size Size of scratchpad memory as a number of floating point elements of type ``T``. Size should not be less than the value returned by the Strided API of the :ref:`onemkl_lapack_getri_batch_scratchpad_size` function. events List of events to wait for before starting computation. Defaults to empty list. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Output Parameters a Inverse :math:`n \times n` matrices :math:`A_i^{-1}`. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Return Values Output event to wait on to ensure computation is complete. .. container:: section .. rubric:: Throws This routine shall throw the following exceptions if the associated condition is detected. An implementation may throw additional implementation-specific exception(s) in case of error conditions not covered here. :ref:`oneapi::mkl::lapack::batch_error` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unimplemented` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::unsupported_device` :ref:`oneapi::mkl::lapack::invalid_argument` The ``info`` code of the problem can be obtained by `info()` method of exception object: If ``info = -n``, the :math:`n`-th parameter had an illegal value. If ``info`` equals to value passed as scratchpad size, and `detail()` returns non zero, then passed scratchpad is of insufficient size, and required size should be not less then value returned by `detail()` method of exception object. If ``info`` is not zero and `detail()` returns zero, then there were some errors for some of the problems in the supplied batch and ``info`` code contains the number of failed calculations in a batch. **Parent topic:** :ref:`onemkl_lapack-like-extensions-routines`