.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2020 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. default-domain:: cpp .. include:: /elements/oneDNN/source/replacements.inc.rst .. _rnn-label: ### RNN ### The RNN primitive computes a stack of unrolled recurrent cells, as depicted in Figure 1. :math:`\bias`, :math:`\srciter` and :math:`\dstiter` are optional parameters. If not provided, :math:`\bias` and :math:`\srciter` default to 0. Variable names follow the standard :ref:`conventions-label`. .. image:: ../_static/unrolled_stack_rnn.jpg The RNN primitive supports four modes for evaluation direction: - ``left2right`` will process the input data timestamps by increasing order, - ``right2left`` will process the input data timestamps by decreasing order, - ``bidirectional_concat`` will process all the stacked layers from ``left2right`` and from ``right2left`` independently, and will concatenate the output in :math:`\dstlayer` over the channel dimension, - ``bidirectional_sum`` will process all the stacked layers from ``left2right`` and from ``right2left`` independently, and will sum the two outputs to :math:`\dstlayer`. Even though the RNN primitive supports passing a different number of channels for :math:`\srclayer`, :math:`\srciter`, :math:`\dstlayer`, and :math:`\dstiter`, we always require the following conditions in order for the dimension to be consistent: - :math:`channels(\dstlayer) = channels(\dstiter)`, - when :math:`T > 1`, :math:`channels(\srciter) = channels(\dstiter)`, - when :math:`L > 1`, :math:`channels(\srclayer) = channels(\dstlayer)`, - when using the ``bidirectional_concat`` direction, :math:`channels(\dstlayer) = 2 * channels(\dstiter)`. The general formula for the execution of a stack of unrolled recurrent cells depends on the current iteration of the previous layer (:math:`h_{t,l-1}` and :math:`c_{t,l-1}`) and the previous iteration of the current layer (:math:`h_{t-1, l}`). Here is the exact equation for non-LSTM cells: .. math:: h_{t, l} = Cell(h_{t, l-1}, h_{t-1, l}) where :math:`t`, :math:`l` are the indices of the timestamp and the layer of the cell being executed. And here is the equation for LSTM cells: .. math:: (h_{t, l},c_{t,l}) = Cell(h_{t, l-1}, h_{t-1, l}, c_{t-1,l}) where :math:`t`, :math:`l` are the indices of the timestamp and the layer of the cell being executed. ************** Cell Functions ************** The RNN API provides four cell functions: - :ref:`Vanilla RNN `, a single-gate recurrent cell, - :ref:`LSTM `, a four-gate long short-term memory cell, - :ref:`GRU `, a three-gate gated recurrent unit cell, - :ref:`Linear-before-reset GRU `, a three-gate recurrent unit cell with the linear layer before the reset gate. .. _vanilla_rnn-label: Vanilla RNN =========== A single-gate recurrent cell initialized with |vanilla_rnn_forward::desc| or |vanilla_rnn_forward::desc| as in the following example. .. code:: cpp auto vanilla_rnn_desc = dnnl::vanilla_rnn_forward::desc( aprop, activation, direction, src_layer_desc, src_iter_desc, weights_layer_desc, weights_iter_desc, bias_desc, dst_layer_desc, dst_iter_desc); The Vanilla RNN cell should support the ReLU, Tanh and Sigmoid activation functions. The following equations defines the mathematical operation performed by the Vanilla RNN cell for the forward pass: .. math:: a_t &= W \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B \\ h_t &= activation(a_t) .. _lstm-label: LSTM ==== LSTM (or Vanilla LSTM) ---------------------- A four-gate long short-term memory recurrent cell initialized with |lstm_forward::desc| or |lstm_backward::desc| as in the following example. .. code:: cpp auto lstm_desc = dnnl::lstm_forward::desc( aprop, direction, src_layer_desc, src_iter_h_desc, src_iter_c_desc, weights_layer_desc, weights_iter_desc, bias_desc, dst_layer_desc, dst_iter_h_desc, dst_iter_c_desc); Note that for all tensors with a dimension depending on the gates number, we implicitly require the order of these gates to be :math:`i`, :math:`f`, :math:`\tilde c`, and :math:`o`. The following equation gives the mathematical description of these gates and output for the forward pass: .. math:: i_t &= \sigma(W_i \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_i \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_i) \\ f_t &= \sigma(W_f \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_f \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_f) \\ \\ \tilde c_t &= tanh(W_{\tilde c} \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_{\tilde c} \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_{\tilde c}) \\ c_t &= f_t * c_{t-1} + i_t * \tilde c_t \\ \\ o_t &= \sigma(W_o \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_o \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_o) \\ h_t &= tanh(c_t) * o_t where :math:`W_*` are stored in :math:`\weightslayer`, :math:`U_*` are stored in :math:`\weightsiter` and :math:`B_*` are stored in :math:`\bias`. .. note:: In order for the dimensions to be consistent, we require :math:`channels(\srciterc) = channels(\dstiterc) = channels(\dstiter)`. LSTM with Peephole ------------------ A four-gate long short-term memory recurrent cell with peephole initialized with |lstm_forward::desc| or |lstm_backward::desc| as in the following example. .. code:: cpp auto lstm_desc = dnnl::lstm_forward::desc( aprop, direction, src_layer_desc, src_iter_h_desc, src_iter_c_desc, weights_layer_desc, weights_iter_desc, weights_peephole_desc, bias_desc, dst_layer_desc, dst_iter_h_desc, dst_iter_c_desc); Similarly to vanilla LSTM, we implicitly require the order of these gates to be :math:`i`, :math:`f`, :math:`\tilde c`, and :math:`o`. For peephole weights, the gates order is:math:`i`, :math:`f`, :math:`o`. The following equation gives the mathematical description of these gates and output for the forward pass: .. math:: i_t &= \sigma(W_i \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_i \cdot h_{t-1, l} + P_i \cdot c_{t-1} + B_i) \\ f_t &= \sigma(W_f \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_f \cdot h_{t-1, l} + P_f \cdot c_{t-1} + B_f) \\ \\ \tilde c_t &= tanh(W_{\tilde c} \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_{\tilde c} \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_{\tilde c}) \\ c_t &= f_t * c_{t-1} + i_t * \tilde c_t \\ \\ o_t &= \sigma(W_o \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_o \cdot h_{t-1, l} + P_o \cdot c_t + B_o) \\ h_t &= tanh(c_t) * o_t where :math:`P_*` are stored in ``weights_peephole``, and the other parameters are the same as in vanilla LSTM. .. note:: If the ``weights_peephole_desc`` passed to the operation descriptor constructor is a zero memory descriptor, the primitive will behave the same as in LSTM primitive without peephole. LSTM with Projection -------------------- A four-gate long short-term memory recurrent cell with projection initialized with |lstm_forward::desc| or |lstm_backward::desc| as in the following example. .. code:: cpp auto lstm_desc = dnnl::lstm_forward::desc( aprop, direction, src_layer_desc, src_iter_h_desc, src_iter_c_desc, weights_layer_desc, weights_iter_desc, weights_peephole_desc, weights_projection_desc, bias_desc, dst_layer_desc, dst_iter_h_desc, dst_iter_c_desc); Similarly to vanilla LSTM, we implicitly require the order of the gates to be `i`, :math:`f`, :math:`\tilde c`, and :math:`o` for all tensors with a dimension depending on the gates. The following equation gives the mathematical description of these gates and output for the forward pass (for simplicity, LSTM without peephole is shown): .. math:: i_t &= \sigma(W_i \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_i \cdot h_{t-1,l} + B_i) \\ f_t &= \sigma(W_f \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_f \cdot h_{t-1,l} + B_f) \\ & \\ \tilde{c}_t &= \tanh(W_{\tilde{c}} \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_{\tilde{c}} \cdot h_{t-1,l} + B_{\tilde{c}}) \\ c_t &= f_t * c_{t-1} + i_t * \tilde{c}_t \\ & \\ o_t &= \sigma(W_o \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_o \cdot h_{t-1,l} + B_o) \\ h_t &= R \cdot (\tanh(c_t) * o_t) where :math:`R` is stored in ``weights_projection``, and the other parameters are the same as in vanilla LSTM. .. note:: If the ``weights_projection_desc`` passed to the operation descriptor constructor is a zero memory descriptor, the primitive will behave the same as in LSTM primitive without projection. .. _gru-label: GRU === A three-gate gated recurrent unit cell, initialized with |gru_forward::desc| or |gru_backward::desc| as in the following example. .. code:: cpp auto gru_desc = dnnl::gru_forward::desc( aprop, direction, src_layer_desc, src_iter_desc, weights_layer_desc, weights_iter_desc, bias_desc, dst_layer_desc, dst_iter_desc); Note that for all tensors with a dimension depending on the gates number, we implicitly require the order of these gates to be:math:`u`, :math:`r`, and :math:`o`. The following equation gives the mathematical definition of these gates. .. math:: u_t &= \sigma(W_u \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_u \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_u) \\ r_t &= \sigma(W_r \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_r \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_r) \\ o_t &= tanh(W_o \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_o \cdot (r_t * h_{t-1, l}) + B_o) \\ h_t &= u_t * h_{t-1, l} + (1 - u_t) * o_t where :math:`W_*` are in :math:`\weightslayer`, :math:`U_*` are in :math:`\weightsiter`, and :math:`B_*` are stored in :math:`\bias`. .. note:: If you need to replace :math:`u_t` by :math:`(1-u_t)` when computing :math:`h_t`, you can achieve this by multiplying :math:`W_u`, :math:`U_u` and :math:`B_u` by :math:`-1`. This is possible as :math:`u_t = \sigma(W_u \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_u \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_u)`, and :math:`1 – \sigma(a) = \sigma(-a)`. .. _lbr_gru-label: Linear-Before-Reset GRU ======================= A three-gate gated recurrent unit cell with linear layer applied before the reset gate, initialized with |lbr_gru_forward::desc| or |lbr_gru_backward::desc| as in the following example. .. code:: cpp auto lbr_gru_desc = dnnl::lbr_gru_forward::desc( aprop, direction, src_layer_desc, src_iter_desc, weights_layer_desc, weights_iter_desc, bias_desc, dst_layer_desc, dst_iter_desc); The following equation describes the mathematical behavior of the Linear-Before-Reset GRU cell. .. math:: u_t &= \sigma(W_u \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_u \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_u) \\ r_t &= \sigma(W_r \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_r \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_r) \\ o_t &= tanh(W_o \cdot h_{t,l-1} + r_t * (U_o \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_{u'}) + B_o) \\ h_t &= u_t * h_{t-1, l} + (1 - u_t) * o_t Note that for all tensors with a dimension depending on the gates number, except the bias, we implicitly require the order of these gates to be :math:`u`, :math:`r`, and :math:`o`. For the :math:`\bias` tensor, we implicitly require the order of the gates to be :math:`u`, :math:`r`, :math:`o`, and :math:`u'`. .. note:: If you need to replace :math:`u_t` by :math:`(1-u_t)` when computing :math:`h_t`, you can achieve this by multiplying :math:`W_u`, :math:`U_u` and :math:`B_u` by :math:`-1`. This is possible as :math:`u_t = \sigma(W_u \cdot h_{t,l-1} + U_u \cdot h_{t-1, l} + B_u)`, and :math:`1 – \sigma(a) = \sigma(-a)`. ******************* Execution Arguments ******************* When executed, the inputs and outputs should be mapped to an execution argument index as specified by the following table. =================================== ================================ Primitive input/output Execution argument index =================================== ================================ :math:`\srclayer` |DNNL_ARG_SRC_LAYER| :math:`\srciter` |DNNL_ARG_SRC_ITER| :math:`\srciterc` |DNNL_ARG_SRC_ITER_C| :math:`\weightslayer` |DNNL_ARG_WEIGHTS_LAYER| :math:`\weightsiter` |DNNL_ARG_WEIGHTS_ITER| :math:`\weightspeephole` |DNNL_ARG_WEIGHTS_PEEPHOLE| :math:`\weightsprojection` |DNNL_ARG_WEIGHTS_PROJECTION| :math:`\bias` |DNNL_ARG_BIAS| :math:`\dstlayer` |DNNL_ARG_DST_LAYER| :math:`\dstiter` |DNNL_ARG_DST_ITER| :math:`\dstiterc` |DNNL_ARG_DST_ITER_C| :math:`\workspace` |DNNL_ARG_WORKSPACE| :math:`\diffsrclayer` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_SRC_LAYER| :math:`\diffsrciter` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_SRC_ITER| :math:`\diffsrciterc` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_SRC_ITER_C| :math:`\diffweightslayer` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_WEIGHTS_LAYER| :math:`\diffweightsiter` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_WEIGHTS_ITER| :math:`\diffweightspeephole` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_WEIGHTS_PEEPHOLE| :math:`\diffweightsprojection` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_WEIGHTS_PROJECTION| :math:`\diffbias` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_BIAS| :math:`\diffdstlayer` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_DST_LAYER| :math:`\diffdstiter` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_DST_ITER| :math:`\diffdstiterc` |DNNL_ARG_DIFF_DST_ITER_C| =================================== ================================ ***************** Operation Details ***************** N/A ****************** Data Types Support ****************** The following table lists the combination of data types that should be supported by the RNN primitive for each input and output memory object. .. note:: Here we abbreviate data types names for readability. For example, |_f32| is abbreviated to |f32|. +------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+----------+-------------+ | **Propagation** | **Cell** | **Input** | **Recurrent** | **Weights** | **Bias** | **Output** | | | **Function** | **Data** | **Data** (1) | | | **Data** | +------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+----------+-------------+ | Forward / Backward | All | |f32| | |f32| | |f32| | |f32| | |f32| | +------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+----------+-------------+ | Forward / Backward (2) | All (3) | |bf16| | |bf16| | |bf16| | |f32| | |bf16| | +------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+----------+-------------+ | Forward | All (3) | |f16| | |f16| | |f16| | |f16| | |f16| | +------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+----------+-------------+ | Forward inference | Vanilla LSTM | |u8| | |u8| | |s8| | |f32| | |u8|, |f32| | +------------------------+--------------+-----------+---------------+-------------+----------+-------------+ (1) With LSTM and Peephole LSTM cells, the cell state data type is always f32. (2) In backward propagation, all ``diff_*`` tensors are in f32. (3) Projection LSTM is not defined yet. Data Representation =================== In the oneDNN programming model, the RNN primitive is one of a few that support the placeholder memory format #dnnl::memory::format_tag::any (shortened to ``any`` from now on) and can define data and weight memory objects format based on the primitive parameters. The following table summarizes the data layouts supported by the RNN primitive. +------------------+---------------+-------------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+ | **Input/Output** | **Recurrent** | **Layer and Iteration** | **Peephole Weights** | **Projection LSTM** | | **Data** | **Data** | **Weights** | **and Bias** | **Weights** | +------------------+---------------+-------------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+ | |any| | |any| | |any| | |ldgo| | |any|, |ldio| | | | | | | (Forward propagation) | +------------------+---------------+-------------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+ | |ntc|, |tnc| | |ldnc| | |ldigo|, |ldgoi| | |ldgo| | |any|, |ldio| | | | | | | (Forward propagation) | +------------------+---------------+-------------------------+----------------------+-----------------------+ While an RNN primitive can be created with memory formats specified explicitly, the performance is likely to be sub-optimal. When using |any| it is necessary to first create an RNN primitive descriptor and then query it for the actual data and weight memory objects formats. .. note:: The RNN primitive should support padded tensors and views. So even if two memory descriptors share the same data layout, they might still be different. Post-ops and Attributes ======================= Currently post-ops and attributes are only used by the int8 variant of LSTM. .. TODO quantization *** API *** .. doxygenenum:: dnnl::rnn_flags :project: oneDNN .. doxygenenum:: dnnl::rnn_direction :project: oneDNN .. doxygenstruct:: dnnl::vanilla_rnn_forward :project: oneDNN :members: .. doxygenstruct:: dnnl::vanilla_rnn_backward :project: oneDNN :members: .. doxygenstruct:: dnnl::lstm_forward :project: oneDNN :members: .. doxygenstruct:: dnnl::lstm_backward :project: oneDNN :members: .. doxygenstruct:: dnnl::gru_forward :project: oneDNN :members: .. doxygenstruct:: dnnl::gru_backward :project: oneDNN :members: .. doxygenstruct:: dnnl::lbr_gru_forward :project: oneDNN :members: .. doxygenstruct:: dnnl::lbr_gru_backward :project: oneDNN :members: .. vim: ts=3 sw=3 et spell spelllang=en