oneAPI Specification Releases#

The oneapi spec has moved to oneAPI Spec. Level Zero continues to be available at this site. All other specs have been archived. For any questions, file an issue at issues.

Level Zero#

Release Notes#

Level Zero v1.9.3#

  • Patches to v1.9.2 release

    • Misc infrastructure updates

    • Fix typo in for device property

    • Update support for sampled bindless images

    • Update new image formats

Level Zero v1.9.2#

  • Patch v1.9 to fix API version enum

Level Zero v1.9.1#

  • Misc. patches to v1.9.0 release

    • Add missing enumerations to programming guides

    • Add numWaitEvents parameter to mutable command list update wait events API (needed for loader)

    • Add range to phCommandLists description in append command lists extension

    • Fix spelling error in sysman subdevice properties structure type name

    • Fix immediate command list append API parameter description to work around script limitation

    • Convert fixed-length character array parameters to constant pointers in programmable metrics and firmware secuirty version extensions

Level Zero v1.9.0#

  • Core

    • Fix device hierarchy environment variable value in docs

    • Add experimental extension for immediate command list append command lists

    • Add experimental extension to clone a command list

    • Add experimental extension for mutable command lists

    • Add experimental extension for bindless images

    • Add introspection APIs

    • Add invalid argument error code to zeContextMakeMemoryResident

  • Sysman

    • Fixes to Memory Bandwidth Extensions


    • Clarify engine stats details

    • Add clarification for setting frequency defaults

    • New firmware API for logging

    • Add extension to support Flat device model

    • Add experimental extension to access firmware security version

    • Add experimental extension for VF telemetry

  • Tools

    • Add support for programmable metrics

Level Zero v1.8.0#

  • Core

    • Add API Versions 1.7, 1.8

    • Add experimental extension for counter-based events

    • Clarify usage of IPC event pools

  • Sysman

    • Add RasClearState to extension listing

    • Add MEMORY power domain

    • Add GPU power domain

    • Clarify that the time units for engine activity counters are implementation specific

    • Describe extension discovery

    • Added GPU Board Temperature Metric

    • Add power domain properties extension

    • Deprecate unused APIs and/or APIs with enhanced replacements

    • Deprecate compute unit debug mode

    • Add memory timestamp valid bits experimental extension

    • Add flash progress API

    • Added Memory Page Offline Metrics

Level Zero v1.7.8#

  • Core

    • Fix timestamps results parameter attributes

  • Sysman

    • Add extension mechanism for dynamically discovering RAS error states

    • Move engine activity extension to separate extension file

    • Add clarifications to board and serial number descriptions

    • Clarify description for multi-port throughput

  • Tools

    • Clarify metric streamer desc member descriptions

Level Zero v1.7.0#

  • Core

    • Fix a spelling error in the core programming guide command queues section

    • Minor fix to kernel timestamp example in programming guide

    • Some fixes for kernel max group size extension

    • Add clarification to immediate command lists execution

    • Add system memory hint for memory advise

    • Add API to set atomic properties of a shared allocation

    • Add support for in-order lists

    • Add support for flexible device hierarchy model

    • Add ray tracing acceleration structure build experimental extension

  • Sysman

    • Various updates for engine, fabric, device and memory

    • Added Fabric Error Counters and API

    • Update engine group descriptions

    • Fixes to GetFabricPortMultiThroughput

  • Tools

    • Minor formatting fix for metric export data

    • Fix sample code for MetricGroupGetExportDataExp

    • Promote ZET_METRIC_TYPE_IP_EXP out of experimental

    • Fix ZET typo to conform to naming convention

Level Zero v1.6.10#

  • Core

    • Clarify documentation on build logs lifetime

    • Set pNext pointer to NULL in programming guide

  • Sysman

    • Add support for machine independent calculation for metrics data

    • Update metrics timer resolution to cycle/sec

  • Tools

    • Fix html generation of metric export data example code

    • Fix base type for zet_metric_global_timestamps_resolution_exp_t

  • Infrastructure (Scripts)

    • Misc. formatting and infrastructure fixes

Level Zero v1.6.3#

  • Core

    • Import

  • Sysman

    • Revert RAS Category and Fabric API changes, restoring backwards compatibility.

  • Infrastructure (Scripts)

    • Update copyright year for publication.

Level Zero v1.6.0#

  • Core Changes

    • Add zeMemPutIpcHandle and zeEventPoolPutIpcHandle

    • Add helper functions for IPC handle

    • Add zeDriverGetLastResultString

    • Add zeCommandListHostSynchronize

    • Module build option clarification

    • Introduce extension to query normalized kernel event timestamps

    • Clarify image buffers format/layout restrictions

  • Sysman

    • Extend the SYSMAN Frequency Domain list to include a MEDIA Domain

  • Infrastructure (Scripts)

    • Fixup extension references and substitutions

    • Fixup parser versions (add newer point releases to all_versions)

Level Zero v1.5.17#

  • Tool Changes

    • Add missing version to global metrics timestamps extension

Level Zero v1.5.16#

  • Core Changes

    • Clarify intended interpretation of 32-bit device id

    • Clarify that zeContextMakeMemoryResident is a cross-platform API

    • Clarify language for pString parameter of zeKernelGetSourceAttributes

    • Add an extension to get the kernel max group size properties

    • Fixup typo in PCI Properties extension example

  • Tool Changes

    • Add extension for global metrics timestamps

  • Sysman Changes

    • Explicitly state the timestamp unit for the memory bandwidth API

    • Update value of ZES_MAX_RAS_ERROR_CATEGORY_COUNT macro

Level Zero v1.5.8#

  • Infrastructure (Scripts)

    • Remove nullptr error code from params with mbz trait

    • Fix handling of mbz attributes

    • Fix ze_device_properties_t in samples

Level Zero v1.5.0#

  • Core Changes

    • Clarify that a context can also be used by sub-devices of devices

    • Add an extension for bfloat16 conversions

    • Relax restriction and allow ipc events with timestamps

    • Add an extension to return the device IP version

    • Move image view extension to standard

    • Fix off-by-one error for maximum memory allocation size

    • Add host support for IPC allocations

    • Add sub-allocations properties extensions

    • Clarify commands in an immediate command list may execute synchronously

    • Add additional default errors

  • Tool Changes

    • Add a deprecation message for ZET_ENABLE_API_TRACING_EXP

  • Sysman Changes

    • RAS Category and Fabric API

    • Remove out-of-date Sysman object hierarchy diagram

    • Mark zesPowerGetLimits and zesPowerSetLimits as deprecated

    • Separate APIs for initializing and enumerating sysman

    • Correct documentation for zesMemoryGetBandwidth

Level Zero v1.4.8#

  • Core Changes

    • Fix naming for some fabric extension function args.

  • Sysman Changes

    • Remove const for _zes_power_limit_ext_desc_t ouput params.

    • Modify zes_power_level_t desc entry.

    • Add missing structure type enums.

Level Zero v1.4#

  • Core Changes

    • Fabric Topology Discovery API extension added.

    • Add detail to allocation access capabilities

    • Add an extension to the Core API for obtaining memory BW

    • Add clarifications for printf

    • Add extension for querying device locally unique identifier

    • Fix reordering of stypes

    • Standardize use of desc in SetEccState

Level Zero v1.3#

  • Core Changes

    • Add EU count extension.

    • Add clarification that link log may contain unresolved symbols after dynamic linking.

    • Add documentation for dynamic linking.

    • Add extension for linkage inspection.

    • Add extension for obtaining PCI BDF address.

    • Clarify programming guide section on command queues & command lists.

    • Correct documentation regarding maxMemoryFillPatternSize.

    • Clarify that pNext should be nullptr as default.

    • Clarify that unsupported structure types in pNext are ignored.

    • Add extension for image copy to/from memory that permits pitch within the memory buffer.

    • Add support for sRGB.

    • Clarify that zeInit needs to be called after forking processes.

    • Clarify barrier execution semantics for zeCommandListAppendBarrier.

    • Add an extension for querying image allocation properties.

    • Add an experimental extension to supply compression hints.

  • Tools Changes

    • Add experimental extension for calculating multiple metrics.

Level Zero v1.2#

  • Core Changes

    • Added alloc flags for device and host initial placement.

    • Fix spec references.

    • Add clarification that SPIR-V import and export linkage types are used.

    • Add VPU to ze_device_type_t and ze_init_flags_t.

    • Add -ze-opt-level build option.

    • Add kernel scheduling hints experimental extension.

    • Add extended subgroups extension.

    • Add image view planar extension.

    • Add image view extension.

    • Add additional kernel preferred group size properties.

    • Add SPIR-V extension for linkonce-odr.

    • Add cache biasing flags for IPC handles.

    • Add documentation pages for extensions.

    • Add kernel scheduling hints for thread arbitration policy.

    • Add image memory properties experimental extension.

    • Add Event Query Timestamps experimental extension.

    • Fix compatibility issue device time resolution.

    • Add RGBP and BRGP image formats.

  • Sysman

    • New return codes for low power state.

Level Zero v1.1#

  • Core Changes

    • Add code example for interop sharing, importing Linux dma_buf as an external memory handle for device allocation.

    • Clarify zeInit behavior regarding multiple calls with different flags or environment variables.

    • Add experimental extension for global work offset property to be set on kernel.

    • Update timeResolution units to double in device properties.

    • Added zeDeviceGetGlobalTimestamps to return synchronized host and device global timestamps.

    • Clarification on non-standard extensions via zeDriverGetExtensionFunctionAddress.

    • Clarifications for execution behavior for submitting multiple command lists

    • Add zeContextCreateEx to support context visibility for one or more device objects.

    • Specify that kernel state is not stored in thread-local storage by implementation.

    • Add float atomics extension to support additional floating point atomics capabilities.

    • Add extension to relax allocation limits and allow for allocations > 4GB.

  • Sysman

    • Fix bug in fan spec. The fan configuration zes_fan_config_t should point to the table structure zes_fan_table_t instead of one temp/speed pair.

  • Tools

    • Add page fault debug event ZE_DEBUG_EVENT_TYPE_PAGE_FAULT.

    • Clarification for metric group properties.

    • Remove phWaitEvents parameters from zetCommandListAppendMetricQueryEnd.

Level Zero v1.0#

  • Core Changes

    • Update command queue group properties to indicate numQueues is number of physical engines.

    • Clarify ‘Get’ parameters such that the pCount description is more clear to what is return in array.

    • Clarify metrics flag in ze_command_queue_group_property_flags_t.

    • Fix API documentation to indicate that pIpcProperties argument is [in,out] for GetIpcProperties.

    • Add experimental extension “ze_experimental_module_program” to support compiling and linking multiple SPIR-V modules together.

    • Updates to Raytracing extension.

    • Clean up Introduction documentation to remove reference to CSA and update ABI compatibility.

    • Fix PG documentation error for -g build flag in Module Build Options section.

    • Clarify in PG the default signal / wait event behavior.

    • Add cooperative kernel launch code snippet in PG.

    • Clarify that app must ensure the location in the pool is not being used by another event in zeEventCreate.

  • Sysman

    • Update PG to describe that both min and max temperatures across sensors will be included in temp components.

    • Clarify fan configuration comment to indicate that fan temp/speeds are passed back as table.

    • Fixed comment showing how to calculate %allocated and %free memory in memory state structure.

    • Clean up ambiguous comments in the function and structures for scheduler and memory components.

  • Tools

    • Fix wrong type in pseudo-code for API Tracing documentation.

Level Zero v0.95#

  • Updates from implementation team.

Level Zero v0.91#

  • Initial release