Decode Structures#

Structures used by Decode only.



struct mfxDecodeStat#

Returns statistics collected during decoding.

Public Members

mfxU32 NumFrame#

Number of total decoded frames.

mfxU32 NumSkippedFrame#

Number of skipped frames.

mfxU32 NumError#

Number of errors recovered.

mfxU32 NumCachedFrame#

Number of internally cached frames.


struct mfxExtDecodeErrorReport#

Used by the decoders to report bitstream error information right after DecodeHeader or DecodeFrameAsync. The application can attach this extended buffer to the mfxBitstream structure at runtime.

Public Members

mfxExtBuffer Header#

Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUFF_DECODE_ERROR_REPORT.

mfxU32 ErrorTypes#

Bitstream error types (bit-ORed values). See ErrorTypes enumerator for the list of types.


struct mfxExtDecodedFrameInfo#

Used by the decoders to report additional information about a decoded frame. The application can attach this extended buffer to the mfxFrameSurface1::mfxFrameData structure at runtime.

Public Members

mfxExtBuffer Header#

Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUFF_DECODED_FRAME_INFO.

mfxU16 FrameType#

Frame type. See FrameType enumerator for the list of types.


struct mfxExtTimeCode#

Used by the library to pass MPEG 2 specific timing information.

See ISO/IEC 13818-2 and ITU-T H.262, MPEG-2 Part 2 for the definition of these parameters.

Public Members

mfxExtBuffer Header#

Extension buffer header. Header.BufferId must be equal to MFX_EXTBUFF_TIME_CODE.

mfxU16 DropFrameFlag#

Indicated dropped frame.

mfxU16 TimeCodeHours#


mfxU16 TimeCodeMinutes#


mfxU16 TimeCodeSeconds#


mfxU16 TimeCodePictures#
