.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Intel Corporation .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 .. _input_output_streams: Stream classes ============== To perform encoding and decoding operations with data, ZFP requires both the dimensions of the data array and the parameters that determine the :ref:`compression mode ` of the encode/decode. oneDTL implementation must provide two classes to encapsulate these parameters: ``zfp_field`` and ``zfp_compressed_stream``. .. _input_field: zfp_field +++++++++ .. doxygenclass:: oneapi::dtl::data_compression::zfp_field :project: oneDTL :members: .. _output_stream: zfp_compressed_stream +++++++++++++++++++++ .. doxygenclass:: oneapi::dtl::data_compression::zfp_compressed_stream :project: oneDTL :members: Additional counting functions used by the ``zfp_compressed_stream`` shall be provided: .. doxygenfunction:: oneapi::dtl::data_compression::calc_blocks_count :project: oneDTL .. doxygenfunction:: oneapi::dtl::data_compression::calc_chunks_count :project: oneDTL .. doxygenfunction:: oneapi::dtl::data_compression::calc_stream_size :project: oneDTL