Event Query Kernel Timestamps Extension#
Event Query Kernel Timestamps#
This extension enables the querying of synchronized event timestamps.
Synchronized event timestamps are device timestamps synchronized to the host time domain.
The querying of synchronized event timestamps has a performance cost.
This extension is designed to complement and eventually replace all usages of zeEventQueryTimestampsExp and zeEventQueryKernelTimestamp.
The value returned by the pCount parameter of zeEventQueryKernelTimestampsExt is implementation specific.
ze_device_properties_t devProps; ze_event_query_kernel_timestamps_ext_properties_t tsProps; devProps.stype = ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_PROPERTIES; devProps.pNext = &tsProps; tsProps.stype = ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EVENT_QUERY_KERNEL_TIMESTAMPS_EXT_PROPERTIES; tsProps.pNext = nullptr; // Determine the level of support by getting the module properties zeDeviceGetProperties(hDevice, &devProps); const bool supportsKernelTimestamps = (0 != (tsProps.flags & ZE_EVENT_QUERY_KERNEL_TIMESTAMPS_EXT_FLAG_KERNEL)); const bool supportsSynchronizedTimestamps = (0 != (tsProps.flags & ZE_EVENT_QUERY_KERNEL_TIMESTAMPS_EXT_FLAG_SYNCHRONIZED)); // Assumption: hEvent was created with ZE_EVENT_POOL_FLAG_KERNEL_MAPPED_TIMESTAMP // ... // launch kernel // synchronize host // ... if (supportsKernelTimestamps || supportsSynchronizedTimestamps) { // Number of event timestamps uint32_t count = 0; // Get the number of timestamps associated with the event. zeEventQueryKernelTimestampsExt(hEvent, hDevice, &count, nullptr); // Allocate storage for kernel timestamp results std::vector<ze_kernel_timestamp_result_t> kernelTimestamps(count); // Allocate storage for synchronized timestamp results std::vector<ze_synchronized_timestamp_result_ext_t> synchronizedTimestamps(count); // Build event query kernel timestamps descriptors ze_event_query_kernel_timestamps_results_ext_properties_t resultsProps; resultsProps.stype = ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EVENT_QUERY_KERNEL_TIMESTAMPS_RESULTS_EXT_PROPERTIES; resultsProps.pNext = nullptr; resultsProps.pKernelTimestampsBuffer = supportsKernelTimestamps ? kernelTimestamps.data() : nullptr; resultsProps.pSynchronizedTimestampsBuffer = supportsSynchronizedTimestamps ? synchronizedTimestamps.data() : nullptr; // Query the event timestamps zeEventQueryKernelTimestampsExt(hEvent, hDevice, &count, &resultsProps); }