:orphan: .. _ZE_experimental_command_list_clone: ============================== Command List Clone Extension ============================== API ---- * Enumerations * :ref:`ze-command-list-clone-exp-version-t` * Functions * :ref:`zeCommandListCreateCloneExp` ==================== Command List Clone ==================== A command list created with the cloneable flag may be cloned only after it has been closed. .. parsed-literal:: // Create a command list that may be cloned :ref:`ze-command-list-desc-t` commandListDesc = { :ref:`ZE_STRUCTURE_TYPE_COMMAND_LIST_DESC `\, nullptr, 0, :ref:`ZE_COMMAND_LIST_FLAG_EXP_CLONEABLE ` }; ze_command_list_handle_t hCommandList = nullptr; :ref:`zeCommandListCreate`\(hContext, hDevice, &commandListDesc, &hCommandList); // { ...[construct command list]... } // Close the command list :ref:`zeCommandListClose`\(hCommandList); // Execute the command list zeCommandQueueExecuteCommandLists(hCommandQueue, 1, &hCommandList, nullptr); // Clone the command list, no synchronization required ze_command_list_handle_t hClonedCommandList = nullptr; :ref:`zeCommandListCreateCloneExp`\(hCommandList, &hClonedCommandList); // ...