Image Copy Extension

Image Copy Extension


Image Copy

Sometimes it is desired to copy the contents of an image object to a buffer object, i.e., linear un-formatted memory, e.g., for use in a different library. The zeCommandListAppendImageCopyToMemory API call can be used to for this purpose if no padding is desired in the buffer being written into. The zeCommandListAppendImageCopyToMemoryExt call can be used to copy pixel values from an image object into a destination buffer with padding. Padding can be specified in both row pitch as well as slice pitch for 3D images/2D image arrays. The slice pitch must be set to 0 when performing this operation with 2D images.

The following psuedo-code demonstrates a sequence for copying a 32x32 region out of an image object to a buffer with row pitch set to 64:

// Create image region descriptor
ze_image_region_t srcReg = {
  0,  // originX
  0,  // originY
  0,  // originZ
  32, // width
  32, // height
  0   // depth

ze_result_t result = zeCommandListAppendImageCopyToMemoryExt(hCmdList, pDstBuffer, hSrcImage, &srcRegion, 64, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr);

Similarly, sometimes it is desired to copy the contents of a buffer object, i.e., linear un-formatted memory, to an image object, e.g., if the contents of the image are being imported from a different library. The zeCommandListAppendImageCopyFromMemory API call can be used to for this purpose if no padding is present in the buffer being read from. The zeCommandListAppendImageCopyFromMemoryExt call can be used to copy pixel values from the source buffer with padding into an image object. Padding can be specified in both row pitch as well as slice pitch for 3D images/2D image arrays. The slice pitch must be set to 0 when performing this operation with 2D images.

The following psuedo-code demonstrates a sequence for copying a 32x32 region from a buffer with row pitch equal to 64 into an image object with row pitch:

// Create image region descriptor
ze_image_region_t srcReg = {
  0,  // originX
  0,  // originY
  0,  // originZ
  32, // width
  32, // height
  0   // depth

ze_result_t result = zeCommandListAppendImageCopyFromMemoryExt(hCmdList, hDstImage, pSrcBuffer, &srcRegion, 64, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr);